Sunday, March 28, 2021

Me too!

Star Of Light is a place Bruce didn't know existed except in legend. A genuine Blowjow Bar, where the customer sits at the bar on a barstool with his beer or whatever and receives a blowjob. Chatting to his buddies about the latest whatever it is they share interest in. There are no cutouts under the bar or in the stools to accommodate the hostesses, as the legend that he has heard purports, but even so, it is the genuine article. There is also a couch against the wall facing the bar, under the front window, where the lady can better access for her ministrations. 
He knows of other BJ "bars" in Bangkok but they are merely specialist blowjob brothels that have a bar downstairs at the entrance to provide a simulacrum of legitimacy. Customers might purchase a Singha as they walk in, for propriety's sake, but no-one sits around drinking and chatting with the girls because invariably they immediately go upstairs with one or two to a private room (Dr BJs, or Eden Club - 2 girls minimum) or to a large room with curtained-off couches (Lolitas). At Dr BJs the girls will line up, Drs and Nurses uniforms and you can select your choice. In Lolitas the girls are all sitting outside, talking and eating, and you can walk in past, to the empty bar and the girl whose turn it is follows you in there is no such ceremony at Star of Light. 
It reminds Bruce of the old bars in Hong Kong, bars like San Francisco II, Popeye or Dragon Club in the nineties and early noughties, where almost anything could happen in open view, just behind the thick velvet curtain that opened into the street or in a not-so-private private cubicle. 
Bruce recalls the time - he was drunk - when while sitting at the bar in SFII, laughing and playing around with some similarly entertained buddies, he had managed to insinuate his index fingers into the arseholes (to the second knuckle) of two Vietnamese hookers who were standing with him, smiling and shaking their tits in his face. For a few HK$240 lady drinks. In the main section of the bar, in front of the mirrored dancefloor. No-one was on the dance-floor. Walk in the door, and there is Bruce knuckle deep in Da Nang toosh (the girls were so drunk or highm they didn't even notice being so foully treated.) 
Some of the places in Duxton Hill Rd, Girl Next Door in Orchard Towers, and FHM also, were once like this too. A blowjob for a S$50 beer and S$10 for the girl who holds the sheet up for some approximate privacy. But not every bar such simple methods of discretion or indiscretion. 
Bruce had once entered the depths of a coal-mine-dark bar on Duxton Hill and was completely disoriented instantly. He could see nothing, absolutely nothing for the first five minutes. Some hands had been on his arms and had taken him to what must have been another room - he sensed it as being larger, perhaps it was less stifling. Soon his shirts was unbuttoned, his belt and fly opened, he had a nipple in his mouth, his nipples were in other's mouths, and his cock was in someone's mouth as well. As his eyes slowly became accustomed to the lack of light he could see Filipino girls all around, clamouring for a body-part and it's associated drink. As the girl get working on his slowly engorging dick, several Tequila shots were taken from his hairy, puffy nipples. As this continued the light became less turgid. He could now see things aroun d the room. It was a girly-bar room - several/three oblong, round-ended laminex covered table stuck out fomr the walls on either side of the room. The main doors (Bruce had apparently entered from the rear) led straight into the central space between the row of tables and to the bar, around a dog-leg to the right. But the men that Bruce was able to see entering were as struck blind as he had been and could not see him at the third table on the right with his shorts and underpants at his ankles and a crouching girl bobbin on his cock. Bruce had been similarly obfuscated, obscurated, and disorientated when he had first ventured in, and presumably this was the place's modus cockerandi. 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Some Old Pics

Dropbox latched itself onto E@L's latest iPhone and grabbed the pile of pathetic pics therein. But somehow or other, up came some dubious pictures from the old iPhone 3, pics from, like years ago. The one that is currently in the kitchen for playing Spotify while E@L cooks.

Not sure how this happened, sort of scary really - maybe they were in the NSA's or ASIO's backup files.

There is a long Hong Kong Rugby 7s story attached to these old pics - maybe E@L has done a Bruce post on them, obliquely, way in the past.

Briefly - petite thing who says she is 1/2 Flip 1/2 Nip forces E@L to take her home (i.e. to his mate's place, where he is kipping for said R7s) and, when she sees a hand mirror in the bathroom starts checking out her pussy intensely - which made E@L contemplate that old double-bag technique. 

There's been some photoshop effecting to make them look vaguely like "art" rather than straight porn, but hey... E@L ain't no Mapplethorpe.


Saturday, March 30, 2013

Moral Imperative

"Look at the creep with the tattoos. What is he, Russian Mafia?"


"She's going to go with him if I don't make a move. Get your hands of her tits you arsehole."

"Don't tell me, tell him! Make your move for Christ's sake. I want to finish this beer and go back and see if Plan B is still there."

"The chubby Burmese? You like her?"

"She has a cute face."

"Whatever. I'm getting to know too much about you. Here she comes. Shut the fuck up now."

"Just pay the barfine, she has to come with you."

 "You think? Should I? She's gorgeous. Will I respect myself in the morning?"

"I'll respect you if you take her, isn't that enough? Pay the bar-fine. Rescue her from the Russian white slaver. It's the moral thing to do."

 "I feel a categorical imperative rising in my trousers."

"Do your duty, Superman. To deny your will to power is to deny yourself."

"Thanks Nietzche."

"Go you stupid Kant. Take the woman home!"


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Rude Bits

If I do any more dubious posts at the main blog, I'll direct you here. E@L